Thursday, October 23, 2008

Sea World

Last weekend we took Gavin to Seaworld for their spooktakular festival. We are trying to do as many fun things with him as we can before this baby gets here. But of course he was being a huge grump that day. He didnt want to wear his so cute Monkey costume, and didnt want to get out of the stroller for any pictures. He is just to much like is momma. We did get him to pose for a few shots with a candy bribe.
So Enjoy!!

He had a blast looking at all the animals, if I would have let him he would have climbed right into the cage with them.
This is a grumpy pic, we had to force him to sit on the dang pumpkin
Candy will make any kid smile!
He looks like a little lost puppy!

Daddy and Gavin and some weird fish thing.


The French Family said...

How fun! You're so lucky you get to do all that fun stuff in Florida.