Monday, October 27, 2008

Pics from the week

We went to pick out our pumpkins on Saturday. But we got there are saw how expensive they were and decided to just still some pics. Then we went to walmart and got ours for half the price. I know we are so cheap, but its just going to end up in the trash anyway:)

Look there is an enormous Pumpkin wearing a pink shirt!!

We took Gavin to a Halloween festival and tried to get him to wear his costume so he would look cute like the other kids. But of course he was not having it. This is him and Oliver being grumpy butts. ( It was really hot outside, so I cant say I blame them)

Gavin with his new hair cut. Thank you to Uncle Gregory for your hair cutting skills! I miss his poofy curls but at least he does not look like a raga-muffin

Gavin has started this new thing where he pulls Jonathan's clothes out of the closet and drags it around the house and outside saying daddy, daddy, daddy. I suppose he is trying to find his daddy. It's cute but kinda sad, because I know he misses his dad all day.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Some Pics from last Halloween

I was going through some of our pictures from last Halloween and I thought I would share a few since we did not have a blog last year. I sure do miss my baby boy, I wish they could stay little forever. I also miss being with all my family for the Holidays! Happy Halloween to all! If our baby girl is born on Halloween we will name her Hallie Ween Ray (lol JK).

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Sea World

Last weekend we took Gavin to Seaworld for their spooktakular festival. We are trying to do as many fun things with him as we can before this baby gets here. But of course he was being a huge grump that day. He didnt want to wear his so cute Monkey costume, and didnt want to get out of the stroller for any pictures. He is just to much like is momma. We did get him to pose for a few shots with a candy bribe.
So Enjoy!!

He had a blast looking at all the animals, if I would have let him he would have climbed right into the cage with them.
This is a grumpy pic, we had to force him to sit on the dang pumpkin
Candy will make any kid smile!
He looks like a little lost puppy!

Daddy and Gavin and some weird fish thing.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Cookie Monster!

I gave Gavin his snacks when we were on the way home from the store the other day. He seemed to be happy with them because he was quiet. A few minutes later he says Mommy, Mommy. I turned around to find that he was having a lot more fun with his cookies than I thought. He had one stuck right to his forehead! It was so funny I had to snap a pic with my cell phone. (Thank goodness for camera phones)

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Shampoo Thief!

So I was at the grocery store the other day picking out some shampoo for Jonathan. I was trying to find one that smelled yummy for him. In the middle of my quest, of course my child had to get out of the cart to check out the other merchandise. While making my final decision of which one to buy, I turn around to find that Gavin had decided to see for himself which shampoo he liked best by pouring some on his head. All I could think was OH GREAT!! We had just started our shopping trip so I didn't want to go home. So I had the great idea to use a wipe to clean it off. This of course turned it into a foamy mess on top of his head. Now I was getting frustrated because I did not want to walk around the store with a kid that had bubbles in his hair. So I just rubbed it in as much as I could to make it look like hair gel, well foamy hair gel... When we got home I gave him a bath and needless to say I didn't need to use any Shampoo.

Sorry if the pictures aren't so good I had to use my phone to take the pics.

I have to say I don't think I will be taking any solo trips to the grocery store when the baby is here.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Walking in Daddy's Shoes