Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Me at 34 Weeks

My Cheeks are chubby, I am anything but thin, I am soon going to turn into the Michelin Man! Everything is going pretty good with this pregnancy. I just cant wait for it to be over. I wish I was one of those women who loved being prego. I think it is one of the most tortuous things in the world. Don't get me wrong, I love the miracle I am making I just don't like the discomfort. I cant wait to meet this little girl. I have dreamed of have a little girl of my own since I was just little girl. Hopefully she wont give us as much trouble coming out as her big brother did.

Saturday, September 13, 2008


I had to fix some of my Utah Pics

Friday, September 12, 2008


So I have to say that my child is a little strange (no surprise considering where he comes from). He has a weird obsession of sticking foreign objects into the side of his Binky and sucking on it! I don't know where he got this from or why he does it, all I know is that it is very funny. He has been doing this since before he could walk. As if still sucking on a Binky wasn't bad enough, now he has to have little tag along's. I got a few pictures of his latest finds. I'll have to create a blog just for all the things he sucks on!

This is a Q-tip, thankfully an unused one!

This is a tissue, also thankfully unused!
He had a little help from mommy for this trick!

This is one of his favorites : The Hair Tie!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Utah #3

Utah Trip # 2

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Utah Trip #1

Gavin and I just got back from a week trip to Utah. We had a really good time hanging out with family. We spent most of are time playing with the cousins and shopping! What could be better than that. I am so glad I got one last trip to Utah in before I have baby number two. Because I don't think I will be going anywhere else for a long while. I almost didn't go because I thought Gavin was going to be a holy terror on the Airplane. That's not something I wanted to deal with by myself. I didn't want someone to kick us off the plan because I had a screaming child. But to my surprise he was actually a complete angel! I almost was not sure I was traveling with the right kid. He was so good, I have alot more faith in him now!

I really miss my family in Utah, and I really miss that freakin bread that Veronica buys. I am going to have to see If I can order it from the company. It was soooo good!! Here are a few Slide shows from our trip! Enjoy!