On Friday (Halloween) morning I started having contractions around 6:30am. I didn't pay much attention to them, I figured this could go on all day. So I went on with my regular day. Around 11:00am I was about to head out the door to go get my toes done, so I could have pretty toes for the baby (hehe). well that's when they hit me like a bomb. They were coming every 3 mins. So I decided we better get ready to go to the hospital. Mama came and picked up Gavin and we were off. We had to stop and get lunch because I was starving (bad Idea). We got to the hospital around 12:30pm signed in and 5 mins later my water broke right in the middle of the waiting room full of people. I was soooo embarrassed, but that didn't last long because the pain was taking over. The food I ate on the way to the hospital was a bad idea because it had made its way right back up. Anyway to make a long story short, we got our room and the Epidural. I was dilated to a 4 and stayed there for 6 hours. I was planning on having a v-bac, but that didn't happen. After waiting 6 hours I figured that was enough. So they wheeled me in for a C-Section and Madilynn was born at 8:50pm on Halloween night. She weighted 8Lbs 7oz and was 20 in. long. She is a beautiful baby girl and I am so glad she is here. We love her so much and can't wait to watch her grow up to be a wonderful daughter of God. Gavin also loves her so much and already is the best big brother ever.
Enjoy the Pictures!
CONGRATS! I'm so happy for you. She is adorable and I can't beleive you have a Halloween baby. How fun! That's too bad about the c-section but at least you and her are healthy and doing well. That's the most important part. Don't go too long before posting more pictures of her.
YEAH!!!! I am so excited that she is finally here and now you can sleep on your tummy (when you heal a bit more of course.) I can not wait to meet her!CONGRATS!
Aweeeee! Wish we could be there to hold her :o(. We're glad to see that everyone is doing well. You guys make a very cute family.
Congratulations Gillane! She is adorable!
Alright Janey! She's just a doll! So happy that everyone is healthy and doing well. So lets see, will we be hearing in about 6 weeks your going to be having number 3? Just kidding. I'm sure that will be a while from now, right? I mean you gotta give me a chance to keep up. ;o)
Congratulations!!! I had not heard, so I glad that I checked the blog - keep it coming! She is adorable and chubby! Sorry the VBAC didn't happen (blame it on your short height, your body tried)! What a fun Halloween!
Congratulations! She is beautiful. Keep the pictures coming. And remember to "keep your arm and legs inside the moving vehicle;" having two children is much more of a ride than having one. You'll do wonderful, but be kind to yourself when you have a hard day...or four. :)
She's adorable!! We're so happy for you and I love the name you decided on!
Yay! She is such a doll, I love that you caught a little smile in one of those pictures!!
Congrats! I Love her cute little chubby face. Ayden was almost a holloween baby too. She took too long and came Nov. 1st instead. Anyways, You stole the name I wanted for our next little girl (if we have one). I absolutle LOVE that name. We cant wait to meet her.
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