Monday, June 9, 2008

MGM Studios

We went to MGM with our friends David and Patrice Hill. We had such a great time it was just soooo freakin HOT!!! Chasing your child around in the hot sun while being Prego is not to fun. Gavin escaped while we were waiting for the parade to start. (Above)

He was way to worried about the Green Army Man to look at the camera. He would not take is eyes off of him!

This was after we went on the new Toy Story ride (which was pretty fun).

We had to get this picture, since Gavin is the mini Yoda. It was Star Wars weekend and there were a lot of weirdo people dressed up in Star Wars costumes. I am sure some died of heat stroke. To bad we never ran into a live Yoda. Gavin even had Yoda colors on, which was not intentional.

Gavin was pretty freaked out from this guy (I am not sure what or who he is supposed to be.) It was pretty funny to watch his reaction. He started crying when we put him back in the stroller. The mean things we do to our kids for a laugh.

Gavin became very fond of Pooh at the gift shop. I think its because it reminded him of daddy:0)



The French Family said...

Looks like it was fun and hot too. But what do you expect... it's Florida in June.

The Bori Family said...

Well, be grateful you at least can wear shorts in FL right now! How about 46F in UT right now? It's Summer, people!!!!!! We want sunny skies and warm weather!

Anthony and Rachel Orme said...

Looks like fun. I bet Gavin had a blast. What kid doesn't like Disney right? I love the pic of you and Gavin. You look so cute.