Payson Gregory Bori was born May 21st at 12:45am. He came out weighing 6Lbs 10oz, and measuring 20in long. His real name should be Alexander the 2nd. They look just alike! He is as cute as a button with lots of hair! Sorry Grandpa, still no George the 3rd:( He just has to much hair to be called George hehehehehehehe...
We are so glad that he is finally here. He was a great Birthday present for Tatiana! If he would have waited a few more days she would have had him on her B-day (or even Mine)!!
We're missing out on all the fun there!!!! He's soooo cute!!! Tell Grandpa George that he's gonna have to keep hoping for George III =P
How exciting. Tell Tatiana and Gregory I said CONGRATS!
Yahoo! another baby to add to the bunch. They will soon take over I'm just dure of it.
Oops *sure of it Ü
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